Luca is eight months today. This past month we've seen all sorts of new things. Luca can now pull himself up to sitting, can get out of his bumbo seat on his own, and has developed an unreasonable fear of vacuums. He is an expert roller and is working really hard on his crawling. It's still this kinda funny stomach wiggling/frog leg kicking motion, although he's getting pretty fast. I have to race across the living room to keep him out of the power cords around the TV and computer, which are his favorite new toys. I guess some babyproofing is in order.
Luca is sleeping quite well (most of the time), which is likely because we are now putting him to sleep on his stomach. Our pediatrician suggested we try this as soon as he could roll both ways (reducing the likelihood of SIDS), and he seems much more comfortable. We have even had nights of six to eight hours of solid sleep! Amazing!
When we had the 80 degree day last week I let Luca play out on our porch, even got out his baby pool. Luca likes pools.

Luca is sleeping quite well (most of the time), which is likely because we are now putting him to sleep on his stomach. Our pediatrician suggested we try this as soon as he could roll both ways (reducing the likelihood of SIDS), and he seems much more comfortable. We have even had nights of six to eight hours of solid sleep! Amazing!
When we had the 80 degree day last week I let Luca play out on our porch, even got out his baby pool. Luca likes pools.

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