Goodbye, Little One

The last few weeks have been really hard for our family. We found out our foster child, who has been with us for a year and a half, would be suddenly transitioning back to the birth family, and last evening after dinner, we said goodbye.

All three of us were quite distraught after the child left, me especially. It's been so long - nearly every morning and evening I would help the child get ready for school and for bed. Getting dressed, bath time, reading books, singing songs. I just fell apart.

Surprisingly, Luca was quite consoling, even though he was quite sad, too. He said, we can still video chat, and maybe one day we can visit. I'm so proud of him when he consoles someone, it's very emotionally mature for a 5-year-old.

One bit of good news is that we have a good relationship with the birth family, and we hope to keep in touch. We'll definitely be writing letters and sending gifts. The child will always, always be a part of our family, and our love will continue.

I really want to thank everyone who has been supportive of us: our dear friends, Elspeth and Nick, Carla and Dan; my sister, Megan; my mom, Teresa; Kyra's coworkers, especially Sara and Mallory; and the foster child's preschool teachers, April and Michael. You've all helped us keep it together. Thank you.


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