Aug 11, 2014 - Lunes

We woke early to howler monkeys. With no Daylight Savings Time here, the sun rises very early. I decided then we should get up and hike in the next mornings.

We had breakfast, then went on a hiking tour. We saw two snakes (incredibly venomous), a waterfall, large rodents (coperas?), birds, a lizard (salamander?), and two hanging bridges. Oh, and a toucan, too! The tour guide spotted these tiny snakes; I don't know how. We saw a farm toward the end, and rode a tractor wagon back to the hotel.

We had lunch, followed by a nap. After the nap, we went with another couple, Tzvi and Ettie, whom we had met during the morning hike, on an evening hike.
First, we drove to a spot where monkeys congregate. We saw one, and moved on to hike the old lava flow, which was fortunate because the trail from the hotel was closed, unbeknownst to us. It started to pouring on our first attempt to hike the lava flow, and we had to wait under the guide shelter.

It was very rocky, with lots of pebbles on the path. Tzvi and Ettie had a bit of trouble (they're older). At the top was a spectacular view. We were told there was a town underneath the lava flow... We saw another snake, too.
It was getting very dark, and it was difficult making it back to the beginning of the trail. It had rained off and on, lightly, after the first downpour. One of the hikers fell. I found out she is from Barcelona, Spain.
Finally, we went to see some tree frogs. It was very dark by then, and we needed flashlights. Once equipped, we headed into grassland, passing through a fence. The lady who fell before tried to walk over the barbed-wire gate and tripped over it. She didn't seem to be badly injured, if at all, other than from the impact of the fall.
We saw quite a few frogs, perhaps 5-6. Very small, delicate looking. On the way back, it poured again, and we had to wait by a little shack (two men were inside; it was very rundown). We finally got back to the hotel for a late dinner. Exhausted and drenched, we slept well that night.

Our guide's name was Christian. We found out he would work shifts of 4 weeks or something like that, and he kept in touch with his family by smart phone applications. Otherwise, he wouldn't hear or see them for the whole time. His "weekend" off was coming up soon, so he was looking forward to seeing his family.

We woke early to howler monkeys. With no Daylight Savings Time here, the sun rises very early. I decided then we should get up and hike in the next mornings.

We had breakfast, then went on a hiking tour. We saw two snakes (incredibly venomous), a waterfall, large rodents (coperas?), birds, a lizard (salamander?), and two hanging bridges. Oh, and a toucan, too! The tour guide spotted these tiny snakes; I don't know how. We saw a farm toward the end, and rode a tractor wagon back to the hotel.

We had lunch, followed by a nap. After the nap, we went with another couple, Tzvi and Ettie, whom we had met during the morning hike, on an evening hike.
First, we drove to a spot where monkeys congregate. We saw one, and moved on to hike the old lava flow, which was fortunate because the trail from the hotel was closed, unbeknownst to us. It started to pouring on our first attempt to hike the lava flow, and we had to wait under the guide shelter.

It was very rocky, with lots of pebbles on the path. Tzvi and Ettie had a bit of trouble (they're older). At the top was a spectacular view. We were told there was a town underneath the lava flow... We saw another snake, too.
It was getting very dark, and it was difficult making it back to the beginning of the trail. It had rained off and on, lightly, after the first downpour. One of the hikers fell. I found out she is from Barcelona, Spain.
Finally, we went to see some tree frogs. It was very dark by then, and we needed flashlights. Once equipped, we headed into grassland, passing through a fence. The lady who fell before tried to walk over the barbed-wire gate and tripped over it. She didn't seem to be badly injured, if at all, other than from the impact of the fall.
We saw quite a few frogs, perhaps 5-6. Very small, delicate looking. On the way back, it poured again, and we had to wait by a little shack (two men were inside; it was very rundown). We finally got back to the hotel for a late dinner. Exhausted and drenched, we slept well that night.

Our guide's name was Christian. We found out he would work shifts of 4 weeks or something like that, and he kept in touch with his family by smart phone applications. Otherwise, he wouldn't hear or see them for the whole time. His "weekend" off was coming up soon, so he was looking forward to seeing his family.
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